Finding My Courage, Letting fear Go while Learning to Grow and Bloom where I am planted. To Share my Journey,as I create my aRt,Discover Life's Joys and Honor the Gifts I've been Given!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
FounD ObJeCts
A Rose is A Rose
Thursday, June 24, 2010
GooDniTe SwEEt SuMMeR SkY
Tonight I Rested and Gazed at The Sky...
I Pondered The Way, Birds Must Learn How To FLY..
Its The Reason I Need TRIAL and Error..IN My Life
To Understand how ..
To Gather UP Courage and ...
Let Myself Soar
To Have No Fear and Just Let it Go..
Mistakes I Make Can Be Lessons In Life..
Like How to Turn Clouds Into Something To Ride
Enjoying My Journey.... I Look For Silver Linings, Inside..
As I Watched the changes that came with each Breeze..
I Realized the Clouds Faced Bending with Ease..
The Birds Rode the Wind ..not Fighting their FLIGHT..
They Proved To Be More than a Fantastic Sight..
An Inspiration For Changing and Growing
And Trying New Things..
Right Then and There , I Closed Out that Chapter of Living in Fear..
So Goodnight Sweet Summer Sky..You've Taught Me So Much...
You are There Everyday to Give Me A Gift....
I'm Glad I Looked Up and Didn't Pass By
The Opportunity Waiting ..
To Teach Me To Fly !
I Pondered The Way, Birds Must Learn How To FLY..
Its The Reason I Need TRIAL and Error..IN My Life
To Understand how ..
To Gather UP Courage and ...
Let Myself Soar
To Have No Fear and Just Let it Go..
Mistakes I Make Can Be Lessons In Life..
Like How to Turn Clouds Into Something To Ride
Enjoying My Journey.... I Look For Silver Linings, Inside..
As I Watched the changes that came with each Breeze..
I Realized the Clouds Faced Bending with Ease..
The Birds Rode the Wind ..not Fighting their FLIGHT..
They Proved To Be More than a Fantastic Sight..
An Inspiration For Changing and Growing
And Trying New Things..
Right Then and There , I Closed Out that Chapter of Living in Fear..
So Goodnight Sweet Summer Sky..You've Taught Me So Much...
You are There Everyday to Give Me A Gift....
I'm Glad I Looked Up and Didn't Pass By
The Opportunity Waiting ..
To Teach Me To Fly !
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
GooDNiTe Sweet SuMMeR SanD
...I have A Strange Little Habit..
When I Visit the Sea..
I insist On
Photographing My Feet..
It Helps to Remind Me
That I Have Been there
and Can always
Go Back...
..It's just As Simple As Looking at a Photograph..
Where My Feet have Been..My Mind Can Return..
So Goodnight For NOW...Sweet Summer Sand..
Perhaps Next Time ...I Will Photograph ...My Hand !
When I Visit the Sea..
I insist On
Photographing My Feet..
It Helps to Remind Me
That I Have Been there
and Can always
Go Back...
..It's just As Simple As Looking at a Photograph..
Where My Feet have Been..My Mind Can Return..
So Goodnight For NOW...Sweet Summer Sand..
Perhaps Next Time ...I Will Photograph ...My Hand !
I have made at least a HUNDRED of these..WitH All KinDs OFJARs !
I haVe a Love aFFaiR with JARS !!
I PuT EveRyThinG I GaThER..In A JaR..
NaiLs and HooKs,RiBboNs and BoWs, BuTToNs and LacE,
SheLLs and SaNd,SeAGlaSS and SaNdDoLlaRs,WiReS and ThReaD,FiNiaLs,TreAsureS and AngeL HaiRs,BoTTLE CaPs,FoUnD ObJeCts and TwIGs,JaCkS and PeArLs, CloThPiNs and JeWelS, HaiRPinS and KeYcHaiNs,BaRReTeS,BauBLes,CoTToNsBaLLs and Q-TiPs, BuBBLeBatH,HaIRpiNs,RinGs and RuBBeRbaNds,NeeDLeS and PaiNtBruShEs ,BeAdS and liTTLe ScRaPs oF PaPeR,RuBBeR StaMpS,PoStaGe StaMps,MaRbeLs and DoLL HaNds,CeRaMiC ToEs,
FeAtHeRs and TaGs,FLoWerS and RuLeRs ,PePPeR and SaLT,SpIcEs and PeNNieS, NicKeLs and DiMeS, LiTTleWooDBloCkS,BiTs OF StRinG,tiNy ChArMs, PhoToGrApHs,CraYoNs and LiTTLe RoCkS,PeNs and PeNciLs,LiTTLe WaTch PaRtS,SissoRs and HiGhLiGhTeRs,
CaNdLeS and knOBs,KnoCkeRs and SeeDs,RiCe and BeaNs,CooKiEs AnD CaNdY
and OtHeR ThinGs...
To Me ...JaRs AreN't JuSt HaNdY ,TheY aRe WiNdOWs..To FiLL WiTh ALL ThAT iS DaNDy !
I PuT EveRyThinG I GaThER..In A JaR..
NaiLs and HooKs,RiBboNs and BoWs, BuTToNs and LacE,
SheLLs and SaNd,SeAGlaSS and SaNdDoLlaRs,WiReS and ThReaD,FiNiaLs,TreAsureS and AngeL HaiRs,BoTTLE CaPs,FoUnD ObJeCts and TwIGs,JaCkS and PeArLs, CloThPiNs and JeWelS, HaiRPinS and KeYcHaiNs,BaRReTeS,BauBLes,CoTToNsBaLLs and Q-TiPs, BuBBLeBatH,HaIRpiNs,RinGs and RuBBeRbaNds,NeeDLeS and PaiNtBruShEs ,BeAdS and liTTLe ScRaPs oF PaPeR,RuBBeR StaMpS,PoStaGe StaMps,MaRbeLs and DoLL HaNds,CeRaMiC ToEs,
FeAtHeRs and TaGs,FLoWerS and RuLeRs ,PePPeR and SaLT,SpIcEs and PeNNieS, NicKeLs and DiMeS, LiTTleWooDBloCkS,BiTs OF StRinG,tiNy ChArMs, PhoToGrApHs,CraYoNs and LiTTLe RoCkS,PeNs and PeNciLs,LiTTLe WaTch PaRtS,SissoRs and HiGhLiGhTeRs,
CaNdLeS and knOBs,KnoCkeRs and SeeDs,RiCe and BeaNs,CooKiEs AnD CaNdY
and OtHeR ThinGs...
To Me ...JaRs AreN't JuSt HaNdY ,TheY aRe WiNdOWs..To FiLL WiTh ALL ThAT iS DaNDy !
My Secret GardeN from Days GoNe By !
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
GooGLe asked Me 4 a ShoRt Bio..This was my resPonse..
A ShoRt BiO from ME would be impoSSible. I was born TALKING and when I was not talking ..I was SINGING ! I am stiLL the same after all these years ! And I am finally OK with that...
When I was growing up..I thought my name was SHUT UP SUZIE..not just Suzie...
When I was growing up..I thought my name was SHUT UP SUZIE..not just Suzie...
I am going to INVADE the world with this stuff
This feels pretty darn GOOD...
I am DONE with my tears..
Its like a Growing Spurt..
There is a RELEASE happening..
Its time to unleash the Creativity Beast
that lurks inside and hides under my FEARs...
and use the GIFTs God gave me...
This is like learning to get to KNOW me.
To introduce the Little Girl who wanted to be FREE as a BIRD
to the WOMAN who can make it HAPPEN..
LooK out I COME !
I am DONE with my tears..
Its like a Growing Spurt..
There is a RELEASE happening..
Its time to unleash the Creativity Beast
that lurks inside and hides under my FEARs...
and use the GIFTs God gave me...
This is like learning to get to KNOW me.
To introduce the Little Girl who wanted to be FREE as a BIRD
to the WOMAN who can make it HAPPEN..
LooK out I COME !
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